Our Mission
Quicksilver Endurance Riders began as a group of friends who met occasionally to discuss and share endurance riding experiences.
We grew rapidly as the group of friends began to meet on a regular basis. They decided to form an endurance riders club, to choose a Board of Directors and Officers, select bylaws, and incorporate to become Quicksilver Endurance Riders, Inc., QSER.
The Club hosts not only successful endurance rides, but provides educational opportunities, and other social functions. The Club publishes a monthly newsletter and a yearbook, as well as holds meetings and an annual banquet. Occasionally, we have speakers from outside the club, including veterinarians, endurance riders, politicians, and others who provide useful and interesting information.
QSER is actively involved in community affairs involving horse trails, both to protect old trails and to open new ones.
QSER is indeed fortunate to continue to have not only a talented and dedicated Board of Directors and Officers, but combined with those of our indispensable general membership have produced a club whose accomplishments are many and whose reputation in all endeavors is the highest.
“Life without endurance? I don’t think so.”
2023-2024 Board Members
Click here for Club Bylaws
This award, given in the memory of Eleanor Norton, is a sportsmanship award, given to the club member that exemplifies the meaning of the word “sportsmanship.”
2022 Winner- Elaine Elbizri
Quicksilver horses have won at every level of the sport of endurance including National and Regional Championships, high mileage, Tevis and Haggin Cup winners, Race of Champion winners, and even winning rides at the international level. Quicksilver likes to recognize horses that have not only ‘won the big rides’ but also stress the importance of their longevity.
2022 Hall of Fame Horse- None Awarded
Quicksilver members have excelled at the sport of endurance on a local, national and international level. We recognize those riders that have stood out above the rest with the QS Hall of Fame award.
2022 Hall of Fame Person - Nick Warhol
Horse of the Year
This award is given to one horse owned and/or ridden by a current Quicksilver member. The award is separate from Horse Hall of Fame by recognizing a horse demonstrating outstanding achievement in a single ride season.
2022 Horse of the Year - Rushcreek Fargo owned and ridden by Lori Oleson (and)
Carlos owned and ridden by Jerry Wittenauer