AprQuicksilver Quips
April Quicksilver Quips

President's Message, March, 2000

    MB stands for “Mighty Busy”

        By now, I am sure you all know that I am, in addition to being
President of QSER, I am also the Vice President of AERC. When I ran for that
office I though thought it meant that I got to be in charge of vice but found out later that
was not true. Now Randy is vowing to work me to death.

        One of the duties I have is chair of AERC Hall of Fame Committee
which I wrote about in the April issue of Endurance News. If you have any
candidates, please send in your nomination now. They will not be decided on
until October mid year meeting, but the committee will be getting them by
mail shortly after the deadline which will probably be in June and that is
not that far off.

        Also, if you have any ideas about new meeting places for the club,
let me know.

        The By-laws are being updated and hopefully, we will be sending the
draft to you by next month. Mainly we just cleaned up the language a little
but there are a few semi major changes which need to be voted on.

    Remember, it is your club. The next meeting at Trilby's will have a few
small surprises so be sure and come. Hint.....food and prizes.
                             DUH!!!        MB

                            APRIL 2000   

                    April 1    Shine & Shine Only III 25/50
                                Becky Hart  408-997-0814
                    April 1    Derby Ditch 50
                                Gene Myers775-246-7972
                    April 8        Deadman 30/50
                                Steve Shaw  831-685-3436
                    April   12    QUICKSILVER MEETING  7:30 PM
                                Trilby Pederson’s home, see page 2
                    April 16        Wildflower Ride
                                Judy Etheridge-see page
                    April 29      Shine & Shine Only IV 25/50
                                Becky Hart  408-997-0814
                    April 29        American River 30/50/70
                                Marilyn Hunter   530-885-4819


Our sympathy to Quicksilver Member Linda Cowles on the loss of her father.  A
tough blow and we wish her well.

Ken Cook hung on when he should have let go.  Result?   Some fractured bones
in his right hand

Our sympathy to Dominique Freeman over the loss of her   horse,  Fire
Mountain Fancy. .  He took a wrong step an d broke a bone in his foot at the
20 Mule Team Ride. After all efforts to repair the damage failed,. Fancy had
to be put down

Mike Maul wants us all to know that there is now another source of
information for Quicksilver members.   See page  4.   .

Quicksilver Banquet Costs

DEPOSIT HARRY'S,   CHECK #925     $   100.00
STEVE FOR CALENDAR                             214.00
JUDITH OGUS FOR CALENDAR              164.00
                                  Total                         $ 2,307.34
 [LESS $50.00 TO CLEAN UP PEOPLE)       50.00
                             TOTAL EXPENSES       $ 2,257.34

The $50.00 for the cleanup was a tip left for the lone busboy who was still
clearing when we left at 11:00 pm.
         Banquet Chairperson, Maryben Stover

                   April Meeting

We have decided not to renew our contract with the Horsemen. We will contact
various places to see about a new site or sites.

Meanwhile, the April 12 meeting will be at Trilby's. at 20535 Rome Drive
which is off of Almaden on the right just before you reach the town of
Almaden. Board meeting at 6:30 and general meeting at 7:30.

Our March meeting featured a presentation by Thurman P. Chappell of Conform
Unlimited of magnetic products for both humans and horses.  I tried one of
them and it really did make my thumbs feel better.  They had been hurting all
day [arthritis, not carpal tunnel] and you know that I am a true unbeliever.

He will be at the April 1 SASO ride on Friday for anyone who is interested.
His presentation and demonstrations were very interesting.

           Spring Sales List

Almost new Big Horn Cordura Black Endurance Saddle. 15'  Wide to medium back
horse. $350. Leather Aussie Saddle Black 16" seat $300. Quarter Horse tree.
Joanne or Jim Dietz  831 426-6610.

English saddle for sale:  brown British-made(can't find a manufacturer's name
on the saddle) 32 cm, 17.5 cm seat size, with 46" leather girth, stirrup
leathers, quality irons and a wool back pad for $500.00 or obo.
I also have a nice brown round English bridle with round laced reins for
sale, paid $150 years ago, will sell for $75.00.  Call Judy at 925 862-0232.

Here is something I learned about saddles.  Have had various saddles fitted
to my horse's back with no luck, white spots, heat bumps, sore back.  The
most recent fitter told me that my horse needed a narrower tree (31 cm) than
what I have been using.  Bought a 31 cm Courbette and lo and behold, it fits!
All those years and $$$$, argghhh!  Judy Etheridge
            Judy Etheridge

        April 16        Wildflower Ride
          Judy Etheridge 925-862-0232
          10 AM Trailer Park

Directions: take 680 north.Take Highway 84-Calaveras exit (NOT
the 237-Calaveras exit)  Proceed about 4 miles east. Turn left on
Geary Road which is about 1/4 mile past Welch Creek Road.
Follow Geary to the Park.  Trailer parking fee-$6.
Call Judy at 925-862-0232 for more info.

                    to our newest QUICKSILVER members..
                            Jennifer Kurtzall
                            Michael Power
                             Kathy Mayeda
                             Karla Perkins
                             John and Darlene Wilcock

            Long may they ride!

Mike Maul Brings Us Into The Information Age

Members of the Quicksilver Endurance Club now have an e-mail list where they
can share information, post ads, receive reminders about the meetings etc..

In order to use the mailing list - you have to be a member of the group.
This avoids "spam" being posted to the list. You cannot mail to the list
unless you are a member.

To join the list - if you are not already a member - send your e-mail address
to Mike Maul at Michael.Maul@nsc.com.

Members who are on the list will already have received a notice by e-mail
that they were on the list and given an opportunity to unsubscribe if they
did not want to belong.  The traffic is expected to be small - mainly
reminders about the monthly meeting,  a few ads, some information on trails etc.

         Janice Frazier Reports

Quicksilver thanks Janice for keeping us informed on decisions which could
dramatically change the way we live with our horses. The following is her
report of the Zoning Committee meeting held on February 15th.

A modified draft was discussed and and approved unanimously.   Unless the
cities reviewing the draft ask for substantial changes the committee will not
meet again.    The current draft is available on the  web site

I encourage you to read the draft, it is livestock-friendly for the
majority of land owners. The draft will go through 6 different public
hearings before going to the Board of Supervisors.

Clarification at the meeting included:
-watercourse definition
-grandfathering follows property not owner
-definitions of rodeo and equestrian events were split to allow
non-commercial activities to be protected.

The committee also recommended  Letters to Board of Supervisor requesting
-Right to Farm be emphasized in
        real estate transactions as a mode to  protect
-Central Facility for manure management
-Educational voluntary and separate from County using multi-modes and
-SCC Water District continue nitrate studies as it is a complex issue

Both Gilroy Dispatch (2/25) and San Jose Mercury News (3/2) ran articles on
status this last week, you may also want to read.

Janice Frazier, Manager Water Test and Yield , SSD, Office Bldg. 14-2225A;
Phone tieline 276-4931; external (408) 256-4931 pager (408) 542-6270.

 Steve Greets Spring

Steve Lenheim loves Spring.  He and his horses have been out an about lately.
A couple of weeks ago it was the  Fort Ord trails and this past week he went
Pacheco.  He claims that this week or next will be the best
 for the wildflowers. Maybe we should prevail upon Steve to put on a ride in
one of those areas.

Reno, Nevada
March 3 and 4, 2000

The American Endurance Ride Conference celebrated its 28th Year with a
bang-up Convention and Trade Show.  If you wanted answers, they were there.
If you needed equipment, it was there.  Better produced, better attended and
overwhelmingly well received, two day of Seminars, Trade Show,  Board
Meetings and a General Meeting laid it all out for the season's endurance
riders or just the voyeur to relish and enjoy.

Of particular interest to Quicksilver members is the elections of Maryben
Stover as vice-president.  We are not sure how she is going to do it all this
year—QUICKSILVER President, AERC Vice-president a full time job and 18 horses
in her pasture.   Capable, she is and when we can help out, she should know
that we are there.  So congratulations, Maryben!  Barbara McCrary and  Becky
Hart also represent us on the Board.  That's three Quicksilver members
readily available to each of our members to listen to your concerns and
questions. If you want  them to represent you, you have to let them know how
you feel about the different issues as our expanding sport plows new ground.

Randy Eiland was re-elected to serve a second term as President of AERC and
Louise Reidel and Vicki Rutter were chosen as Secretary and
Treasurer..Committee appointments have been pretty well decided upon and the
best news of all, the organization is in the black by approximately $60,000.
This has mainly been realized through the efforts of the President in
achieving considerable success in attracting sponsors for some of our

The Hall of Fame Awards went to Phil Gardner and Hal Hall and the horse
recognized by the Hall of Fame Committee was Rushcreek Mark, owned by Andy
Bender.  Shirley Delsart and the first horse she has ever owned,  K J
Destination ( “Dusty”),  won the Pard’ner’s Award  The Bill Stuckey Award
goes to the  senior rider (over 65 years) who goes the most miles in the
course of the year.  Need we  tell you who won that?  We figure that Trilby's
name will appear on it for at least the next decade. This perpetual trophy is
in memory of Bill Stuckey who died during a ride which was the way he wanted
to go.  The poem on the lower part of the trophy is very moving and was read
by Trilby to the banquet crowd.

The 1999 Yearbook was handed out to those attending the Award Ceremony and
will be mailed to all the other members.  It faithfully records your miles,
your horse's miles, ride results and the year end awards.

Published by the Quicksilver Endurance Riders Inc.
P.O. Box 71, New Almaden, CA 95042
Julie Suhr, Editor TEL and FAX 831-335-5933